Sam the Crocodile

Sam the crocodile lived in a large warm lake with lots of friends who thought they knew him very well.  Sam was 57 years old and had inhabited the same lake since he was a wee little hatchling. In fact, Sam was one of the oldest crocodiles in his lake,…

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Ten Thankful Things

I’ve always believed that it is better to focus on what’s going right rather than dwell too much on what’s not going so well.  Even in the worst of times, there are things to be thankful for.   If we practice shifting our mind and forcing ourselves to think upon a…


To My Oldest Son, Reagan

Dearest Reagan, On the brink of your 6th grade graduation from elementary school, I wanted to share with you how proud I am of you and all of the ways I’ve seen you grow.  You are my first-born child and the oldest of four.  You are the leader of the…


Being Your Authentic Self

Imagine being born blind.  You can’t really imagine what that would be like and neither can I.  But let’s pretend you are born completely blind and then at some point during your early childhood a diagnosis of autism is confirmed by the specialists.  What is it like for you to…